TC Backstory...
In Minneapolis alone over 3,000 cars were stolen in 2022, this year we are already at 5,902 and it's only May, creating millions in lost valuables. With our comprehensive solution, TC Nighthawks is dedicated to protecting families and their property, providing peace of mind around the clock.
In order to truly bring change with our youth and our cities infrastructure, we must also address the underlying problem. While working last year as your appointed Chair for Ward 12, this year as caucus convener and finally moving on to be an elected member of the rules committee, I found our communities number one concern and biggest fear is the carjackings/stolen car epidemic. Something needed to be done- I stepped down from all political seats and began working around the clock to gather the best Crisis Response Agents, Psychologists, Drone experts and Pilots, Retired Police and Detectives and the Bravest Recovery Agents possible forming an incredible, unbeatable recovery team! With a team of over 30 experts (Bachelor's level or higher) TC Nighthawks offers our community and the entire USA custom GPS units that track in real-time! Also our customers personal accounts hold photos of family members and assets- that alone can make all the difference as we are able share these with law enforcement in less than 2 minutes giving the the visuals and information to recover!!! Considering Amber Alerts typically can take hours (sometimes days) to go live, having this information readily available for police in an emergency situation can make all the difference